About us
The School of Philosophy Midlands
School of Philosophy Midlands
- Educational charity, founded in 1937
- Study of natural laws governing relations in human society
- Aim to help individuals lead a fuller, richer and more useful life
Our aim is to help individuals lead a fuller, richer and more useful life whilst evolving the spiritual aspect of their being in accordance with natural laws.
To watch a short 7 minute video of the origins and history of the School please below:
Practical Philosophy…
Refreshing Your Life…
Refreshing Your Spirit…
The core teaching of the School of Philosophy Midlands and all the other branches of the School of Philosophy and Economic Science is the philosophy of Advaita.

Advaita is a term from the Sanskrit language coined by the 7th century Indian sage Shankara that means; non-dual, not-two, i.e. one, unity.
Advaita is a ‘golden thread’ that runs through most of the worlds major wisdom traditions.
For instance, in Buddhism it is expressed as Zen, in Judaism it is found in the teaching of the Cabalah, it is found in Gnostic Christianity from the works of the early desert fathers and medieval mystics. In Islam it is Sufism, in Taoism it is the Tao itself, in the Indian tradition where it expressed most profoundly it is the philosophy of Vedanta.
It can also be found implicitly in Plato, the American Transcendentalists movement and from relatively contemporary teachers like Alan Watts and Eckhart Tolle.
Biographies of some philosophers
Wonderful classes

The present moment

Very practical

Introductory Practical Philosophy Course
The introductory courses have limited spaces and can get fully booked up in advance, so to save disappointment it is advisable to reserve your place on the next course well in advance.
Enrol below
Some of the themes included in the course:
- Relevance of philosophy to today’s world
- Meeting the challenges of life, with wisdom
- The importance of observation and stillness
- The spirit of enquiry
- Seeing things as they are, rather than as we imagine them to be
- Living in the present moment
- Employing reason in discussion and making decisions
- Different levels of awareness
- Acting with justice
- What changes our states of mind and emotions
- Questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What is life about?
- What in essence, is human nature?
- The nature of beauty and reason
- States of attention and personal freedom
- and so much more...