Shakespeare’s Golden Thread workshop

Shakespeares Golden Thread workshop Birmingham

Shirley Burch leads a workshop that explores the spiritual themes developed by Shakespeare.


School of Philosophy Midlands, Newland House, 137-139 Hagley Road, Birmingham B16 8UA



Sunday February 2, 2014.


This workshop will explore the spiritual themes uniquely developed by Shakespeare from Plato, Medieval and Renaissance literature as discerned by John Vyvyan author of the recently re-published trilogy:

  • The Shakespearean Ethic
  • Shakespeare and the Rose of Love
  • Shakespeare and Platonic Beauty


The seminar will be led by Shirley Burch, a longstanding member of the School of Philosophy and Economic Science (London), former journalist, editor and teacher. She will present Vyvyan’s profound understanding of the wisdom, love and beauty woven into Shakespeare’s most compelling plays.

The Day’s Programme

Shirley Burch Shakespeares Golden Thread

The words of Plato on love, beauty and immortality that stirred Renaissance Europe and influenced Shakespeare.


How Medieval Romance literature and Renaissance thought threw new light on love, beauty and immortality.


“The play’s the thing…” Shakespeare fuses all these themes into dramatic allegories intended to catch the human conscience.

Tea and Conversation


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